Thursday, January 10, 2013


So, GUILTY! I have been off track on blogging! One of this year's resolution : pop in on a regular basis!

A year ago around this time of the year, I made myself a promise that things were going to change and that I was NEVER going back down on the path of self destruction.  That I was going to change things and TWEAK AND TWEAK until I have found my quest : true happiness.  On that very same night I pulled out a notebook and wrote down a plan on how to actually get there.  

One of my goals was to get myself healthy and in shape.
Long story short, I lost the notebook and I can't even remember what I actually wrote down! I have to say though 2012 has been by far one of the best!

But... Recently I have been listening to a TON of personal development and the one thing I kept hearing over and over again is to..

Even though writing them down doesn't seem necessary for all of us. I know.. that voice in your head telling you "I know what my goals are I don't need to write them down"Well guess what, you are about to develop a new habit that you WILL NOT regret. 

There are a few reasons of why you should write your goals down, this includes the infamous New Year's resolution.  

1. Writing them down will simply, CLARIFY your goal for you.  Even if it is on a piece of paper towel that you will end up throwing out, as soon as you think of one, write them down! You can't possibly get to a place without knowing where your destination is. 

2. When you write your goals down, it becomes a MENTAL picture. Once you paint that mental picture IMAGINE yourself if you had all the resources available in order to achieve that goal , what would it make you feel like?  Now, remember that feeling. Think of mental pictures as a "universal language" for your brain, subconscious and super-conscious. By painting this mental picture you have essentially activated a part of your brain that you normally wouln't use to really show your potential.  Afterall it has been shown that most us only use 2% of our abilities to reach our fullest potential! Don't let the other 98% go to waste! If you can make your mind to believe than it WILL achieve!

3.   Writing down your goal really helps you FOCUS on it.  Because there will be days that you would sit on the edge of the bed and just question yourself "really.. what am I doing?" or say negative things like "this is stupid" or "I am so delusional" or just the genera; "I can't I can't". Writing it ON PAPER promotes persistence, which in turn will lead to success.  Persistence is probably one of the most important principle to have to reach your goal. Do not back down because of some obstacle! Embrace every obstacle! Instead of letting this be a setback let this be a push forward, think : "how can this benefit me toward my goal?".  

However, when you write down your goals, make sure to be specific.  And I mean... SPECIFIC! Don't just say "I want a new car" or "I want a nicer apartment".  Say something like "I want a new apartment with two bedrooms, one bath in Hillcrest, San Diego with a deep soak tube and a water bed and a balcony overlooking the beach and there will be a parked red mini cooper outside"Then really paint a picture of that dream apartment and car! If need be, go out tomorrow and test drive that car, go out to an open house in that area!  Just imagine yourself owning it! 
I am no personal development prodigy here, but I am merely speaking from personal experience.  Because every year prior to 2012, I made goals.. in my mind and guess what? I never really got to it.  This past year, not only I achieved those goals I succeeded those goals!  One of them being something as simple as wanting to fit into a sz 5 in Hollister jeans and being able to fit into a medium in most clothing stores.  Well guess what I now fit into 2s and 3s  and I can fit into a lot of things in XS!

So... what are you waiting for ?! Get out your pen and paper and WRITE THOSE GOALS DOWN, BE CLEAR AND SPECIFIC!

Now that you know what your destination looks like.  Let's get the GPS system out.  Think of how you can get there! This part is cruicial as well! Try to do at least two things daily in order to reach that goal. I mean sure it is well and good the fact that you know what the place looks like but what good does it when you have absolutely no idea how to get there? Goals without a plan are JUST WISHES! Guess what??  Just sitting in front of your couch wishing for things to be different is not going to change scrap


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