Friday, June 29, 2012

Feel-Good Frittata

1. Extra virgin olive oil / canola oil
2. 1/2 cup of diced pepper
3. 1 1/2 cup of baby spinach, loosely packed
4. 1 whole egg
5. 2 or 3 egg whites
6. 2 tbsp reduced far crumbled feta cheese ( I used reduced fat baby Swiss because I ran out of feta)
7. Salt and pepper
8. 1 orange
9. 1 slice of whole grain toast

Now we're ready to get cooking! :)

1. Heat up oil on the pan use about 1 tsp of oil, not too much just enough to grease the pan so it won't stick.

2. Sauté the peppers until tender approx 5 minutes, add spinach and sauté for 2 minutes

3. Pour egg mixture with salt and pepper to taste. Cook on medium heat until eggs set.

4. Remove from heat, place. Plate on top of skillet and invert so frittata falls onto plate. Now grease up the pan once more with oil, and return the frittata to heat to brown the other side approx for 1 minute.

Serve with an orange and a slice of whole grain slice! Bon appetit! :)

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